Published in 1993, Thy Gold to Refine was the 1994 winner of the LDS Literature Award and recipient of an award from Association for Mormon Letters. Word of mouth was spreading. Fans of the Steed family couldn't get enough of learning more about Mormon events thanks to the masterful storytelling of Gerald Lund.
This volume covers just nine months, (July 1838-March 1839) yet it is packed with action, adventure and pathos. Insignificant names now an important part of church history: Haun's Mill, Far West, and Liberty Jail were the Lord's forge to refine and purify his people in order to prepare them for the next great adventure; Nauvoo and the trek west.
The Benjamin Steed Family chart is rearranged to include everyone's posterity including Joshua's ex-wife, Jessica, and her new family from her marriage to John Griffith (see previous volume). Rebecca and Mathew remain the only single, unmarried Steeds but Rebecca's turn is coming!
Characters of Note list at beginning of the novel reveal Rebecca's current age as twenty.
For the first time, Chapter Notes have also been included in this volume so readers can immediately learn historical fact from fiction following each chapter. A welcome change as even I didn't realize Lund had included similar notes at the very end of volumes 2 & 3 only. Chapter Notes will be the standard in every book from now on.
Chapter 1: Mary Ann is pondering her family and how far they have all come since meeting Joseph Smith and moving to Missouri. She will turn 52 this year. It is the morning after the big reunion with Joshua that concluded Volume 3. Joshua appears and he and Mary Ann talk of the children she lost and the miraculous return of her own prodigal son before entering the small family cabin to prepare breakfast. Later that day, Peter shyly approaches Jessica. He loves to learn and wrote a poem he'd like her to critique. Jessica will be happy to take him as a pupil in her little school. Olivia admits to Lydia she has a crush on her new Uncle Matthew. She's only eleven. He's almost eighteen. Lydia keeps this information to herself. Joseph Smith invites Joshua, Caroline and the children over for supper. They accept.
Chapter 2: Today is July 4 in Far West, Missouri. The entire Steed clan join in the celebrations. Will and Olivia announce they wish to take the Steed name and be officially adopted by Joshua into the family. Dinner at the Prophet's home went well. Caroline has lots of "golden investigator" questions which worries Joshua. Rebecca finds Mary Fielding Smith and introduces her fianceé, Derek, to her. Everyone enjoys the small parade to celebrate the holiday.
Chapter 3: Joshua and Caroline stay to hear Sidney Rigdon preach a fiery sermon. The enemies of the church will be sorry for all the trouble they've given the saints for today, Independance Day, they are a free, righteous people who will NOT be victims to their abuse anymore!
Chapter 4: Holding hands, Rebecca and Derek walk along the creek and make honeymoon cottage plans for their life after the wedding. Derek wants to settle in Adam-Ondi-Ahman. He tells Becca all about the history of the area and its significance in scripture as revealed to Joseph.That night a big family dinner outside the family cabin closes the 4th. Joshua finally talks with Jessica. All is forgiven but Rachel must be protected as having her biological father and stepfather at future family gatherings might confuse her. Jessica agrees they will refer to Joshua as "Uncle Joshua" from now on. Tomorrow, Joshua will take his family back to Independence as he been called up to join the state army in the event of a Mormon uprising.
Chapter 5: Next day, tearful goodbyes as Joshua departs with his family. Will wants to do something for his new grandparents, perhaps buy them a special present, which gives Joshua an idea...Next day, a HUGE thunderstorm rolls across the prairie. The Liberty Pole that Sidney Rigdon preached under the day before is completely obliterated by one great lightening strike. Is this a sign? Brigham Young takes Matthew under his wing as a carpenter's apprentice.
Chapter 6: Mormons, including Derek who technically can't vote until age 21, are prevented from casting their ballots by a mob. Fisticuffs, with no lives lost, are the result. Derek is badly hurt. Wives and children of the Mormon men involved hide outside their homes, in the rain, just in case the mob returns.
Chapter 7: Joseph visits the Steed cabin next morning to share the news of what happened. He's taking a group of armed men North to help defend the saint's rights. The Steed men volunteer and return with Derek and Peter to Becca's great relief. Derek announces maybe the wedding date should be moved up from next year to next week. A dispatch will immediately be sent to Haun's Mill to inform Jessica and her family. Good thing no one has to write Joshua and Caroline about the change in the wedding date, they've just arrived!
Chapter 8: Next day, after lunch with Jessica and her family newly arrived and the entire Steed clan all gathered together, Joshua breaks out the presents. Instead of just buying one gift for Mother and Father Steed, Joshua opened his purse and bought gifts for the entire family, to make up for all the holidays and birthdays he missed during his long absence. It's Christmas in July! Everyone gets something. New dresses, bonnets and boots for all the children, including Rachel. Rebecca's new gown is especially lovely. Derek and Peter also receive new clothes for the wedding. A reaping machine for Pa Steed. The next day, Joseph Smith unites Derek Ingalls and Rebecca Steed in holy matrimony.
Chapter 9: Tension grows between the established Missouri settlers and these new arrivals with their strange religious beliefs such as abstaining from alcohol and aversion to slavery. Benjamin tries out his new reaping machine to harvest his wheat crop. Everyone watches in awe at the new technology. Derek and Peter show Rebecca to her new sod hut in "Di-Ahman." The honeymoon cottage isn't quite what she was expecting but being young and in love, she'll take it. In St. Louis, Joshua is commissioned by Governor Boggs to ride out against the Mormon threat, never mind that the residents of Missouri are provoking these religious settlers to violence.
Chapter 10: It is now September 1838. Matthew presents his mother with a dish cabinet he made himself, under the tutelage of Brigham Young, for her birthday. In Di-Ahman, Becca and Derek stare miserably at each other while rain falls both outdoors and indoors. Becca creates a "thankful game" and they howl with laughter at their meager circumstances because all you need is love. Meanwhile, Olivia has no friends at her new school in Independence because she is a "Mormon lover." Caroline talks to her and helps her feel better. Joseph Smith and John Taylor talk to Peter and praise him for his quest for knowledge.
Chapter 11: After church and Sunday dinner, with Jessica and her family also visiting for the weekend, Lydia and Nathan call a Steed Family Council to propose the clan come together to form the Steed Family Corporation. They will even write to Melissa and Joshua inviting them to participate in pooling everyone's unique talents in business, the humanities and farming for the benefit of all. Benjamin loves the idea. October arrives and one community of saints is attacked and driven to Far West. Could Jessica and her family be next?
Chapter 12: Incoming refugees are straining resources in Far West while the enemies of the church have set their sights on every Mormon living in the area of Adam-Ondi-Ahman. All must leave or suffer the consequences. Fearing for Rebecca, Derek and Peter, Nathan and Benjamin obey the call from Joseph to join the rescue party. Hearing of the trouble up north, Caroline worries with Joshua but it's already too late. One woman flees the mob, kids in tow, arriving at Derek's cabin begging for help.
Chapter 13: Benjamin confides to Nathan that he knows of men in the church, led by Sidney Rigdon, using secret combinations in their plot to ride against enemies and murder them. They attend a meeting where Ben stands in defense against such evil practices and warns he's going to tell Joseph on them.Word of this also comes to Joshua who takes the swearing of oaths rumor seriously. Not knowing the whole story they believe Joseph Smith is behind it and decide to take action against the Mormons.
Chapter 14: Alarm sounds in the middle of the night. Trouble when a Mormon group rode against a mob who retaliated by taking prisoners. Joseph calls for men to help defend both Far West and rescue those taken. Nathan and Matthew respond. The party is attacked by a mob at what would later be called The Battle of Crooked River. At least two men die, one is an apostle who, at an earlier time, petitioned the Lord that he might be the first martyr in the cause of Christ. He dies content, his prayer answered.
Chapter 15: Caroline is very offended. Her friends, like Olivia's, are no longer receiving her and she is a social outcast for being a "Mormon lover." Apparently, the whole town knows Joshua won't openly lead a direct attack on the Mormons, like he did in the past, he'll only ride as a scout and...everyone has a problem with this? Up North, Jacob Haun, founder of Haun's Mill, rejects Joseph's counsel to bring his settlement to Far West and safety, insists the mob won't attack here, so far away. Benjamin talks to Joseph. Why is this happening? While it's flattering to be God's chosen people, couldn't he choose someone else? Joseph offers hope, reminding him that only after the trial of our faith are we blessed by an omnipotent God who sees all. Ben's spirits are lifted considerably because Joseph Smith ROCKS!
Chapter 16: With Nathan and Matthew back, and danger mounting, Benjamin calls a family meeting to go after Jessica, Rebecca, and their families and bring them back themselves. Everyone weeps as all kneel in prayer for divine guidance and protection in this family effort. Meanwhile, Peter is wandering the prairie in search of a lost horse and has now become lost himself. He falls into the hands of two men who don't love Mormons but Nathan and Matthew just happen to find and rescue their brother-in-law from his bonds and they all escape easily. Derek and Rebecca agree to return with the Steeds to Far West and safety. Jessica and John decide they will stay in Haun's Mill but send their little baby, John, back with Nathan and company, just in case.
Chapter 17: Haun's Mill is attacked! Jessica helps Amanda Smith (she was a real person whose husband, Warren, is distantly related to Joseph) escape when their cabin is under fire from the mob outside. Jessica gets a hole shot through the palm of her hand (which actually happened to another woman) while Amanda's boy is massacred with the other men who took refuge inside an un-chinked log structure which the mob took advantage of by sticking their rifles through the gaps and opening fire. Her other son, Willard, eleven years old, is a hero. Sadly, John Griffith is one of the tragedies.
Chapter 18: Joshua wants to go with the state reserve troops to Far West to help settle the Mormon uprising but the General, knowing his Mormon family connections, refuses to give permission. Hearing of the attack at Haun's Mill, Joshua worries for Jessica, who is at that moment witnessing the miracle of Amanda healing her injured son Alma, whose hip was nearly blown away during the massacre. He is a brave boy, only eight-years-old.
Chapter 19: Steed women are packed and ready to flee Far West. The men arrive from Haun's Mill with the horrific report. All weep for Jessica while six-year-old Rachel goes into hysterics thinking her mother and step-father are dead. Back at Haun's Mill, Joshua, who defied his commanding officer and went after the troops anyway, finds Jessica with Amanda burying the dead in a common grave. Still in shock, Jessica allows her ex-husband to escort her out of the village to safety. They meet up with Joshua's men, under his command, looking for any spoils from the war to take advantage of. Joshua uses Jessica to soften their hearts and get a report of these gruesome events back to the general. Joshua takes Jessica to Far West where everyone must surrender to the state militia promising clemency for all but they take Joseph and Hyrum prisoner; betrayed by those they trusted. Other men, including Nathan and Matthew, are also led away.
Chapter 20: With Hyrum under arrest, Rebecca visits Mary Fielding Smith to cheer her up. Nathan and Matthew find an opportunity to escape with other men. Derek announces he's a Steed now and the family accepts. Ben and Derek leave to obey the terms of surrender but Peter will stay with the Steed women and children. Joshua, hearing the militia are holding Far West under siege, leaves in open defiance to his commanding officer to help his family.
Chapter 21: Steed women and children hide in the root cellar of the family cabin while Peter stands guard against the evil men still prowling the town looking for opportunities to loot, plunder, rape and steal. Two Missourians named Hugh and Caleb enter the cabin and start threatening Peter. Joshua, horrified at the aftermath of the mob violence, rides through town seeing the corpses lying about, the weeping of women and children. He's arrived in Far West just in time to save Rebecca from attempted rape and beats the hell out of Caleb, "That's my sister you a--hole!" There was a third man but Peter shot him just before Joshua burst onto the scene. With everyone from the root cellar safe, Joshua separates himself from his family, desperate to return to Independence for Caroline and the kids. Suddenly, a shot from behind. He's hit! Joshua quickly returns fire killing his unnamed attacker before passing out.
Chapter 22: With cabins and homes vandalized beyond repair, the Steeds, along with other Far West survivors, find refuge in remaining structures. Lydia's cabin becomes the new home base as everyone regroups and reports their experiences, including Rebecca's. No one knows where Joshua is and assume he escaped. Out on the prairie, Nathan and Matthew are determined to escape their captors in the middle of the night and return to Far West. They succeed. It is now November. Joseph and Hyrum remain under armed guard until their fate is decided: in lieu of execution (because all five men's guns simultaneously misfired in attempt to kill Joseph) they will be imprisoned in Liberty Jail. Joseph, hands in manacles, tells the brethren to be of good cheer. They will not die while incarcerated.
Chapter 23: While visiting Mary Fielding Smith, Rebecca witnesses Hyrum's heartbreaking farewell to his family before being carted off to jail. Becca runs to Mother Smith's cabin to see the equally heartbreaking goodbyes as Joseph and Hyrum, forbidden to even lift the canvas wagon cover concealing them from their loved ones, are only grudgingly allowed to create an opening with their hands, and choke out "God bless you!" to a sobbing Mother Smith. Back at the Steed cabin, a stranger arrives to report an unconscious, badly wounded man turned up at his cabin, several miles away. His wife witnessed the man get shot by members of his own militia. Could it be Joshua? Bring him in.
Chapter 24: Back in Independence, Caroline hears of Mormon prisoners on public display and goes to investigate. Joseph recognizes her in the crowd and greets her by name. He also answers questions from others in the crowd about the Mormon faith, taking this opportunity to preach a short missionary sermon. Matthew and Nathan reunite with the family. Benjamin leads them to a back room where a still unconscious and badly wounded Joshua lies. They can't keep him here. Derek knows of a non-member widow with two daughters who might help them. Nathan, Matthew and Derek will transport Joshua to avoid lining up with other men in Far West who must surrender. Benjamin is marched away to the consternation of the women who weep, wail and cry their goodbyes despite orders from the Missouri militia not to speak to the prisoners.
Chapter 25: Apparently, Caleb was the one who was shot by Joshua as two men, Hugh and Riley, find Caroline and report the tragic death of Joshua Steed, shot in cold blooded murder by those heathen Mormons. Caroline, Will and Olivia believe the lie and are devastated. Will takes it especially hard. The two men drink themselves under the table celebrating their revenge against Joshua. Next morning a "Molotov Cocktail" with a forged note signed by "The Mormon Danites" crashes through Caroline's parlor window forcing them from their home which goes up in flames. Will's heart is now bent on revenge against all Mormons.
Chapter 26: Joshua awakens in the McIntire cabin. Mrs. McIntire is an Irish immigrant and a gracious host to her invalid guest. The women are not unchaperoned, Matthew stayed while Derek and Nathan returned to Far West. The two daughters Jennifer, age 16 or 17, and Kathryn, 12 are thrilled to have a distraction in their lives. Jenny already has the hots for Matthew. Joshua observes all this with an amused eye. Meanwhile, Benjamin is very sick from the exposure and filthy conditions of Liberty Jail. Joseph and the other men give him a blessing. Back at the McIntire cabin, the attraction between the two young people grow. The Irish Catholic girls giggle as Matthew tries to get Joshua to use the crutches he made for him. Joshua was shot in the chest, the bullet went clean through one lung, yet his leg is paralyzed and he breathes fine (continuity error, Mr. Lund?). In Far West, Mary Fielding Smith gives birth to a future prophet. Today is November, 1838.
Chapter 27: Caroline overhears Will and Olivia arguing about Mormons. Will hates them all because "They killed my Pa!" Caroline decides she must take her children and return to Savannah as she's been informed two men are in town asking questions about her and she's terrified, vulnerable, believing herself to be a widow. In prison with Joseph Smith and others, Benjamin is eye witness to Joseph's famous "Silence ye fiends of the infernal pit!" speech rebuking the guards because Joseph Smith ROCKS!
Chapter 28: Jenny McIntire wakes Matthew. Joshua is gone. He's been steadily recovering and getting better every day so he must be all right now and everyone can go home and get back to their own lives. Before he takes his leave, Matthew wants to give Jenny his Book of Mormon which she agrees to read. Mrs. McIntire asks Matthew what his intentions are regarding her daughter. Matthew admits he likes Jenny. He returns to Far West the same day Benjamin is released from jail along with other men, but not Joseph or Hyrum. Everyone cries. Nathan sets off to find Joshua and is with him when they arrive at Independence to discover the charred, burned-out remains of the house.
Chapter 29: Caroline is staying at the Montague Plantation, the same one outside Savannah where Joshua began courting her in the last volume. Will runs away, leaving a note to say he's gone to avenge his step-father's murder. Joshua has traced his wife's departure to Savannah and Nathan insists on making the long trip with him as Joshua is still weak from his injury and sick with worry. Benjamin relates the horrors of Liberty Jail to his family which Joseph and Hyrum continue to suffer. The reports coming out of that place are not encouraging, such as the prisoners being fed human flesh (which the spirit told them to abstain). Jenny writes to Matthew but she's not a very good speller and being isolated out on the prairie, has little educational opportunity. Matthew wishes Jessica could meet these two sisters and be their teacher.
Chapter 30: It's December 30, 1838. As they travel, Joshua wonders why Nathan and the other Steeds have been so charitable to him when the Mormons suffer so much persecution. Nathan reminds his brother of the example and teachings of Jesus and his Atonement. Caroline gets the shock of her life when Nathan shows up at her door to inform her Joshua is not only alive but right here, outside, waiting for her. Will is in St. Louis looking for Hugh and Riley who decide to set a trap for this insolent, cocky, young pup, take his money and teach him a lesson.
Chapter 31: Widow McIntire shows up at the Steed cabin with her daughters. They want to join the church and be baptized, forced to flee their home as a result. The Steeds welcome them into the clan. Matthew baptizes the girls. Benjamin, despite his lingering cough, baptizes the Widow McIntire. Joshua and company all arrive in St. Louis but are too late. Will follows a local man named Charlie into a warehouse and right into the trap. Will is overpowered. As the men argue over what to do with him, Charlie shoots Hugh with Will's gun. All flee the scene of the crime except Charlie who already arranged to shanghai Will to a riverboat captain. The deed is carried out and Will sobs in a coal bin as he realizes he failed in his vengeance and may never see his family again.
Chapter 32: Other Steeds hear firsthand account of Amanda Smith's Haun's Mill survival story and the miracle of Alma's hip. Nathan returns to the delight of Lydia. Everyone worries for Will who is still missing. Brigham Young, already filling in for Joseph, calls on all the saints to respond to those still in the outlaying settlements and bring them in. The word has come that the Saints will relocate back East in Illinois. All Steed men covenant their worldly goods and sign up to help all poor and needy. The Mormon extermination order has been issued in the state of Missouri. All Mormons must leave by spring or it's open season. Steeds prepare to leave along with the other saints.
Chapter 33: Emma Smith takes her children: Julia (age not given) Joseph, age 6, Frederick (age also not given) and baby Alexander and they leave Far West under the care of another family. Mother Smith and her family will wait another day. Lydia has come to say goodbye as they will also be waiting until Joshua arrives with several wagons with supplies for the Steed clan. Emma hides the only copy of the still incomplete JST King James Bible translation in her skirts. After nine days travel, Emma and her company arrive at the frozen shores of the Mississippi where the kind people across the river in Quincy, Illinois are ready to receive them. The ice is thin in several places but Emma is full of faith and determined her children will not sleep out in the open one more night. Walking across the frozen river, Emma tries to be brave and they make it. Back in Far West, the Steeds and McIntires plan who will travel with which party in order to ease the Steed resources.
Chapter 34: Becca, Derek, Jenny and Kathryn travel with Amanda Smith and her party. Matthew is also driving a wagon. Joshua and Caroline show up at the house in Quincy where Emma is staying. To their surprise (and the reader's) they learn Carl, Melissa and a new baby were also here in Quincy with a wagon load of supplies, inquiring after the Mormons and their family and continued on. Joshua and his family hurry to catch up to them (Remember, it's been 12 years since Melissa and Joshua have seen each other, they weren't present for the family reunion at the end of the last book!). Melissa doesn't even recognize her big brother and it's a happy reunion. Later, Caroline wishes to Joshua that they could always be with the Steed clan but Joshua won't live among Mormons, sorry Caroline.
Chapter 35: Joshua watches a Mormon family cross the partially frozen river to Quincy. They barely make it, a miracle! Out on the prairie, it's a chilly night, Jessica and Amanda Smith talk by the campfire, observe how much in love Matthew and Jenny are who join them. They liken themselves to Nephi in the Book of Mormon traveling in the wilderness to their own promised land. Back at the Steed cabin in Far West, Joshua, Caroline and company have another tearful family reunion with Ma and Pa and Melissa and Carl.
Chapter 36: Mary Ann weeps for happiness as Carl and Melissa sit with her inside the cabin but the mood quickly sobers as Ben explains to Carl, Melissa and Joshua why they can't accept all their wagon loads of supplies when so many others need it more than they do. They've made a covenant to share whatever they have with the entire community. Ben also wants to stay and make sure everyone gets out safely. The rest of the family talk him into riding in one wagon as his health is still fragile (he's 53 after all) and fear he may die during the journey. It is now March 1839. Jessica, Jenny and Kathryn are waiting in Quincy as the other Steeds ferry over. Like some celestial family reunion: Joshua, Nathan, Melissa, Rebecca and Matthew all leave their spouses (or girlfriends in Matthew's case) to gather around Benjamin and Mary Ann Steed who is crying (again) as Benjamin presents to her "The children of Benjamin and Mary Ann Steed." Caroline starts to clap and everyone else joins in, including Jesssica and the McIntire women.
The End
It’s no secret that a man’s ego has a powerful pull on him.
ReplyDeleteIn fact this hardwired need to impress and to WIN is so deeply embedded into the male mind...
That nearly everything a man truly desires is based around this biological “drive” to prove, succeed and to win.
It’s why so many men become workaholics, gym junkies or become obsessed with their hobbies.
But what most women don’t know...
...is how deeply this “drive” is connected to his love, desire, and attraction for the woman in his life.
And I’m about to show you how you can “tap into” a man’s ege to refocus that same drive and gut level obsession...
...on pleasing you, romancing you, and proving his love for you like you’re his sole purpose in life.
Here’s how: ==> The “Game ON!” Signal That Makes Him Obsessed With Winning Your Love ]
P.S. When you tap into a man’s ego this way, you can cause him to literally become obsessed with proving his love for you. So please don’t use this on a man unless you are ready for something serious.