The Benjamin Steed Family chart now includes the spouses of the three oldest Steed children and their posterity: Jessica, Lydia, Carlton and the six grandchildren. The five deceased children of Benjamin and Mary Ann are no longer included.
This volume covers just two years of church history, 1836-1838.
Chapter 1: The entire Steed family (minus Joshua who is still out west in Missouri and Melissa who has gone less active by marrying out of the faith) is sitting in sacrament meeting. Benjamin Steed, patriarch of the clan, ponders how much his little family has grown with the addition of spouses and grandchildren. Benjamin is now 51 years old. Rebecca is sitting next to him, she is now eighteen with dark hair and light blue eyes. Nathan and Lydia are still happily married. Sitting beyond them is Jessica who resides as a divorced woman with her daughter Rachel in a small cabin adjacent to Ben and Mary Ann's. Last is Matthew who will turn sixteen later this year and is growing up into a fine young man. Following the traditional bi-monthly Sunday dinner at Benjamin and Mary Ann's, the Steed clan is visiting and talking about today's events in the temple. Melissa has also dropped in to hear the news while Carl stayed home with the children. Today is April 3, 1836, Easter Sunday and something very special took place today during the service: the curtains were lowered and Joseph and Oliver Cowdery saw the Savior, Moses and Elijah as the keys of the restoration were given so the great gathering of Israel could commence prior to the second coming as foretold by the prophets. The Steeds marvel being part of this glorious work and kneel in prayer. How great is their joy!
Chapter 2: Even later that evening, everyone is enjoying pie. Melissa teases Rebecca about a certain non-Mormon suitor in Kirtland who has expressed interest in marrying her. Jessica announces she's going back to Missouri.
Chapter 3: Joshua is on a packet ship bound for Savannah, Georgia. He's managed to pay off his debts and get back on his feet by investing in the cotton industry, the reason for this trip. He also impulsively bought a porcelain doll, 12" high that cost $55 with the intention of giving it to Rachel, but it looks so much like his ex-girlfriend, Lydia, reminding him of his old obsession with her, it's driving him crazy! (What a strange, perverted man.) Joshua also has nightmares about Lydia's reaction to her husband's scars from the whipping he was responsible for. He disembarks in Savannah and is met on the dock by a cocky, precocious, twelve-year-old boy, Will Mendenhall, who offers to guide Joshua to the best cotton factors in the city. Will's angry mother, Caroline, bursts onto the scene, chews him out, but softens when Joshua intervenes in his favor. He introduces himself to this lovely, young, green-eyed, auburn-haired lady and offers to take Will with him tomorrow when he meets the cotton factor as an excellent excuse to see this widow again.
Chapter 4: Everyone bawls like babies seeing Jessica and Rachel off with Newel Knight and company bound for Independence, MO and the new Zion. Later, Nathan and Lydia talk to their kids, Joshua, 5, and Emily, 4, about sacrifices and trials before tucking them into bed. There's a knock at the door, it's Heber C. Kimball requesting Nathan's help giving Parley P. Pratt a blessing of comfort because his wife, Thankful, is very sick. Parley has been asked to leave his family and serve a mission to Canada but he has no money and is hesitant to leave his wife. In the blessing, Parley is promised his wife will not only recover but conceive and bear a son while he serves a successful and very important mission that will bring many souls into the church (including a future prophet!). As Nathan and Heber walk home, Heber informs him the spirit has borne witness that Nathan is to accompany Parley on said mission.
Chapter 5: Turns out this cotton factor knows Caroline and suggests Joshua take her entire family out to the cotton plantation with him since the owners are also good friends to the late Mr. Mendenhall. Meanwhile, back in Kirtland, Rebecca has to break up with her suitor and he's not very happy about it. Everyone, including Carl and Melissa, see Nathan off on his mission to Canada. Carl is cynical but Lydia reassures him the Lord wants Nathan to leave his family and go and everyone will be blessed. Pa Steed backs her up along with Mary Ann. Carl is speechless. Joshua and Caroline are really hitting it off as they walk and talk together at the plantation. Caroline has a daughter, Olivia, who adores Joshua just as much as her older brother. With everything falling into place so neatly, Joshua and Caroline agree to begin courting.
Chapter 6: Toronto, Canada, April 19, 1836. At first, no one will accept Nathan and Parley's message of the restored gospel, not even John Taylor and his wife who introduces the Elders to a widow friend of hers who will give them food and lodging during their stay. She also takes them to see another widow who was struck blind. They give her a blessing and she is miraculously healed (she never joins the church).
Chapter 7: Nathan and Parley attend a meeting of faithful Bible readers searching for Christ's original New Testament church. John Taylor speaks while Nathan squirms in his chair, anxious to stand up and declare the truth of the restored gospel but Parley restrains him with a smile, "The spirit whispers patience." They attend the next meeting that evening where even more people are gathered but must wait to share their message. The fourth meeting commences, the house is full to bursting as Parley is invited to stand and preach. Parley delivers a spectacular sermon ending with Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon and Mormonism. Some are offended and leave while the owner of the house is ready to kick them out but John Taylor believes and invites everyone to his house for the next meeting so they can learn more. Out in Missouri, Jessica has settled with other saints in the northern area of the state they plan to call Far West.
Chapter 8: Frustrated, Joshua delays leaving with his cotton because he wants an answer from Caroline. He learns of her financial trouble due to her foolish late husband who made some bad investments which lead to his death. They attend a dinner party where Joshua gets the host to tell him the whole story about Caroline's financial situation.
Chapter 9: Joshua gets the investors to let Caroline off on the debts she supposedly owes them but Joshua knows they're taking advantage of her. After dinner at her house that night, he shows her the papers he had drawn up that she needs to sign so she can get these creditors off her back. There's one catch, she has to leave town and never return but luckily Joshua is ready and waiting to carry her off so they can start a new life together but they must leave tomorrow. The next morning, Joshua finds a letter on his hotel door, "Yes."
Chapter 10: Lydia reflects on the state of all the women in the sewing circle gathered in this room. Emma is huge with child. Mother Smith lost babies too and there sits Eliza Snow, (her brother will be a future prophet) intelligent, talented seamstress, famous writer and poetess, teacher of girls in Joseph Smith's home, yet she's now over 30-years-old and never had the opportunity to marry. Suddenly, Nathan is back! He's delighted to see Thankful Pratt's full recovery and she is, indeed, with child just as the blessing foretold. Everyone's crying as Parley takes his wife in his arms and sobs. Later, all the Steeds, including Melissa, gather to hear Nathan's report. Lydia also hints she might be expecting another child.
Chapter 11: Joseph and Benjamin ride in a wagon and talk. Joseph wants to start up a bank since the church is so deep in debt. Emma has a second son and brings him to the sewing circle where Mary Ann and Lydia hear of Joseph blessing a baby and naming him Mahonri Moriancumer (the real name of the brother of Jared in the B of M). At a meeting for all men, everyone argues over past mistakes and debates the risk of going East to investigate a rumor of buried treasure that could help the church out of it's financial crisis. Ben frowns at this foolish idea. Later, Martin Harris and others take him aside to share their concerns over this risky venture to pay off $20,000.
Chapter 12: Jessica lives near Haun's Mill (uh-oh!) and is staying with the same Lewis family that took her in last time. She will teach school to support herself. Jessica has come a long way from saloon keeper's daughter who taught herself to read and write. Meanwhile, Joshua, Caroline and the kids arrive in Independence. Caroline is already expecting so they must be married, (only took them seven weeks to reach their destination!) no details given about the wedding. 800 miles East in Kirtland, Matthew confides to Becca he wants to follow Jessica and seek his fortune out west. He's also worried for Jessica, living out there all alone, with no Steeds around to protect her. Caroline is troubled to learn Joshua hates a group of religious fanatics called the Mormons due to the bitterness he still harbors towards his first wife (she still doesn't know about Rachel). Matthew has his parents' blessing to travel to Missouri. Benjamin and Nathan will accompany him so they can check up on Jessica.
Chapter 13: Nathan, Matthew and Pa Steed arrive in Far West, MO. They find Newel Knight's home, learn Jessica is very sick with malaria and go to her. Joshua learns Jessica is back in the area but he sides with the local riff-raff; itching to do something about these Mormons. Caroline is very troubled when Joshua shuts her out, refusing to come to terms with his past.
Chapter 14: Carl debates with Mary Ann and Lydia over Mormonism. They challenge Carl to kneel and pray with Melissa so he can find out for himself. Carl agrees to think about it. Lydia stops to talk to Joseph and Emma. They discuss the money troubles and the criticism facing church leaders.
Chapter 15: Meet Derek, age 19 and his little brother Peter, age 12. They are orphans living in Preston, England who work hard in a textile mill, live in poverty and wonder about God and religion. Back in America, Benjamin attends a meeting to discuss the formation of another church-owned bank. Ben buys a few shares but is skeptical of their worth (they should've named it Zions Bank!).
Chapter 16: Caroline is surprised when Will is sent home from school for fighting. Turns out it was over his stepfather, Joshua's past involvement with Mormon persecution and the ex-wife who left him for the new religion that everyone in town is still gossiping about. This upsets Will because he was taught to always be kind to anyone who might be different. Joshua talks to Will and admits it's true, he did ride against Mormons and helped drive them out of the area but he regrets it now and wants to be a better father this time around to Will and his sister. He relates all this to Caroline who is shocked but accepting of his penitence.
Chapter 17: Derek has an opportunity for a promotion at the mill from coal shoveler to book keeper thanks to Peter's tutoring. Caroline gives birth to a baby girl with bright red hair they name Savannah, in honor of her conception. Joshua presents the doll he bought back in Ch. 3 to Caroline and the new baby (Rachel who?). Back in Kirtland, Thankful Pratt confides to Rebecca and Lydia that she will die in childbirth but everything will be all right for this is God's will. They all cry together. Nathan, Matthew and Benjamin have been in Missouri for six months helping Jessica construct a cabin (because they are good home teachers) and clearing land that Matthew will help her cultivate for spring planting. Matthew is a good uncle to Rachel, carves her a wooden doll and helps babysit while Jessica teaches school. Today is April 6, 1837 and the saints in Missouri are celebrating seven years since the church was organized. Word arrives that Brother John Griffith, a widower with two boys, is interested in Jessica and wants to marry her, sight unseen.
Chapter 18: The Kirtland Safety Society Bank and stock company is not doing very well, the national economy isn't doing so great either.
Chapter 19: It's Jessica's wedding day. She's a bit nervous but very happy. Matthew is happy for her too. Back in Kirtland, Nathan and Lydia have John Taylor and Nathan's other Canadian converts over for dinner. All are shocked to learn that Parley Pratt has gone inactive and is openly talking against Joseph Smith and the church. Nathan and Lydia try and talk to him. Rebecca and Mary Fielding, one of the new arrivals from Canada and still single at age 36 (she doesn't know it yet but that will be changing soon!) have become good friends. They go to a meeting where patriarchal blessings are being given for the first time in the church. Rebecca is now 19 and very discouraged she may end up like her new friend and never marry. She receives her blessing and is told the Lord is aware of her great sacrifice in dumping her ex-boyfriend, she is very blessed to have been born into such a righteous family, and she is promised a priesthood holding husband and children in this life who will rise up and proclaim her queen of their home. Rebecca weeps openly while Mary Fielding must sit and listen.
Chapter 20: Nathan and Ben are back in Kirtland. They attend a meeting in the temple, but Joseph isn't there, he's out of town on business. The two Steed men feel strongly this isn't right, meeting without the prophet's guidance as many of the men murmur and complain calling Joseph a "fallen prophet." They leave before the contention escalates. Ben is so upset, he sends Nathan home while he roams the streets, alone. That Sunday, Joseph preaches. Afterwards, Heber C. Kimball is called to England to preach the gospel. Ben and Martin Harris discuss where they stand on their views about Joseph and the church. Joseph has fallen very ill. Perhaps he is not a prophet anymore? Ben wrestles with his doubt. These are dark days, indeed.
Chapter 21: Nathan witnesses heartbreaking departure of Heber from his family. Caroline burps baby Savannah as she tries to get Joshua to talk about his estranged family. Mary Ann suggests Ben go visit Joseph and put his mind to rest over all the contention. He and Joseph have a good talk and Ben's testimony is strengthened.
Chapter 22: Nathan talks to Parley again, they go to Joseph's house where he's now recovered from his illness. Parley begs forgiveness and Joseph accepts. Over in England, a young princess named Victoria, age 18, ascends to the throne in 1837. Derek is the first to witness strange men from America with funny accents arriving in his neighborhood. Derek, Peter and their young friend, Jenny Pottsworth, age 11 and her mother all attend the meeting of these Mormons from America. Derek gets a copy of the Book of Mormon from Orson Hyde.
Chapter 23: Derek and Peter pray about what they're reading and learning and feel good about it. Their baptisms, along with Jenny and her mother's all take place amid opposition and heckling from local ministers who resent this new movement decimating their congregations.
Chapter 24: Joshua and Caroline argue over the Mormons. Caroline later finds him in the tavern, drinking and gambling but she's not weak and submissive like Jessica. Caroline insists Joshua come home right now so they can talk about this or the marriage is over. He agrees and they have a positive discussion.
Chapter 25: Benjamin reads the Bible in his continuing struggle over Joseph as a true and living prophet of god. He finds his answer in the New Testament "by their fruits, ye shall know them" He attends Sabbath services but Joseph is out of town again. A huge fight breaks out. Father Smith is attacked. Benjamin tries to intervene. Later he tells Martin Harris and other men who want to impeach Joseph that he's made his decision, he supports Joseph and will no longer be coming to their meetings. Benjamin is attacked on the way home.
Chapter 26: Joseph returns and promptly excommunicates all those working against him and the church including Luke and Lyman Johnson of the quorum of the twelve apostles. The Steeds call a meeting for just the adults to discuss moving to Missouri and being part of the new Zion, since things are deteriorating so rapidly here in Kirtland for the church. Melissa cries at this news for she's gone inactive, she and Carl will not be joining the family and the impending separation only weakens her struggling testimony further. Out west, Jessica is pregnant. Matthew feels maybe he should move into his own separate cabin. Derek is fired from his job at the mill for joining the church. He tells Peter they will join the immigration to America with other English converts.
Chapter 27: Derek finds passage on a ship that will let the boys work as deckhands in exchange for food and steerage. Joshua learns his family is coming to Missouri. He knows about Jessica's marriage but she doesn't know about his, thanks to her father who remains Joshua's only contact. Lydia and Rebecca witness the death of Jerusha Smith, Hyrum's wife, who is leaving behind five children, the youngest only a baby. Some of the Steeds arrive in Far West, MO and surprise Rachel and Matthew. Joseph is also with the company and is warmly welcomed by the saints. A few weeks pass. One day, in Kirtland, Rebecca answers the door to find two English boys on the front step. They are immediately taken in by the Steed clan. Lydia and Nathan think Derek and Rebecca would make a nice couple.
Chapter 28: Letter from Lydia in Kirtland to Ma & Pa Steed in Missouri: Derek and Peter are relocating there and Lydia vouches for their fine characters. Hyrum is taking a wife, Mary Fielding, and they are all looking forward to joining the saints in Missouri as persecution in Ohio is pretty bad. Lydia will come, despite her pregnancy, (she's done it before) Rebecca will come with them while Melissa, sadly, remains behind with her own non-member husband and family.
Chapter 29: Oliver Cowdrey's excommunication strains his long standing friendship with Nathan who has just arrived in Missouri with Lydia and Becca. Oliver knows the Book of Mormon and the church is true but he can't support Joseph anymore as a fallen prophet. In another part of the state, Derek with his black hair and blue eyes is aware of the family's attempt to set him up with Rebecca. He and Peter are loading the wagon to Far West with Matthew's help. They invite Rebecca along where they meet a strange man on the road who stops to talk to them. The Steeds and Ingalls, share their picnic lunch with him but never find out his name. It is, of course, Joshua, who has been discreetly inquiring around the state for information about his estranged family. With his full beard and the fact it's been over a decade since he last saw his youngest siblings, it's no wonder they don't recognize him. Caroline finds out and can't believe he didn't reveal himself. He confesses to her about having Nathan whipped. Caroline only urges him to contact his family and start the healing process but he can't do it.
Chapter 30: It is very crowded in the little Steed family house/log cabin on the prairie. Derek announces he and Peter are moving to their own place while Rebecca hides her disappointment as the attraction between her and Derek is there but both are too shy to express their feelings to the other. She and Derek take a walk to discuss their relationship. Derek gives her the "I'm not worthy of you" speech. She calls him a fool and storms off. At Nathan's cabin, a knock interrupts their pleasant evening. It's Caroline with her kids in tow, "Um...Hi?"
Chapter 31: Joshua is furious at his wife for taking such liberties, introducing herself to his family without his permission, she had no right to contact them like that. He's so upset, he leaves the house. When he returns, Caroline and the kids are gone. The next evening, Joshua answers the door. It's Nathan. No, Caroline didn't send him, Nathan had no idea Joshua's wife left to spend the July 4th holidays with the Steed family in Far West. They must've crossed paths without seeing each other. Joshua invites Nathan in where they have a long heart-to-heart talk. All is forgiven and the healing can begin.
Chapter 32: Matthew prods Derek into telling Rebecca how he feels. Lydia, Caroline and everyone else visit and get to know each other. The Steed kids hit it off immediately with Joshua's step-kids. Pa Steed is especially taken with little Savannah but storms angrily from the room after it's suggested he reconcile with his estranged son whom he can never forgive.
Chapter 33: Derek proposes to Rebecca who accepts. Joseph reunites Joshua with his family by making a little speech about forgiveness before summoning the shy, humble, penitent, prodigal son into the room where he is immediately engulfed in a tearful group hug, including his own father, Benjamin, who discovers he can forgive his son and put the past behind them.
The End
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