All is Well or, a more apt title, "Are We There Yet?"
In the Preface, Lund can be quoted as saying this is it, the final bow for the Steed family and the final installment of the series, but maybe some day he'll pen a 10th volume following the descendants of the Steed clan living in modern times which we now know will never happen. Lund thanks the now retired President of Bookcraft Publishing, Russell Orton, (who passed away in 2003) and editorial manager, Cory Maxwell.
Family group charts are again included: Benjamin & Mary Ann, Joshua & Caroline, Jessica & Solomon, Nathan & Lydia, Melissa & Carl, Rebecca & Derek, Matthew & Jenny, Peter & Kathryn, Will & Alice.
It is June, 1846 and the Steed family has been scattered all over the country. Will & Alice disembark in California, Peter & Kathryn barely escape cannibalism, Melissa & Carl struggle to get out of Nauvoo, the Mormon Battalion sweeps up Rebecca & Derek as well as Nathan & Lydia's oldest son. The Great Salt Lake Valley beckons invitingly but history declares no settlers may enter until 1847. Somehow, all these story lines must converge with everyone ending up in Utah to fulfill Mary Ann's Dream.
Got all that? Good. Because it's going to take 49 chapters to get us from Winter Quarters, Nebraska, June, 1846 to Salt Lake City, Utah, October, 1847. Lund really knows how to drag out sixteen months of church history.
"Are we there yet?"
"Don't make me turn this wagon around!"
Chapter 1- Picking up immediately where we left off in the last volume, Caroline and Joshua are still marveling over the miracle of Joshua’s baptism. Trail life is hard for Peter & Kathryn with personal hygiene difficult to maintain but stories of the incredible Eden-like paradise awaiting them in California boost morale in the Donner-Reed party.
Chapter 2- Peter gets his own Dances with Wolves buffalo hunt experience. Kathryn and the other
women finally get a chance to bathe in a nearby river. None want to move from
this oasis on the prairie.
Chapter 3- Melissa is accosted by a group of men with
wicked intentions who enter the store, after-hours, one night while Carl is out
of town and begin harassing her. Young Carl, age fourteen, enters with his
father’s shotgun and scares the bad men away thanks to a strong prompting from
the spirit. That night someone sets fire to the Steed Family Dry Goods Store. Out on the Pacific, Will & Alice and the rest of the company leave Robinson
Crusoe Island with fresh supplies.
Chapter 4- Jessica & Solomon don’t really have
much to do in this volume but they are mentioned here: Solomon is obeying his
calling to remain behind on the trail in Iowa Territory to plant and harvest
crops for those who will follow and the task is almost done; they look forward to joining the rest of the family soon. Melissa takes a walk past the old Steed Row
and mourns for her family. She passes Brother Joseph’s old residence and
whispers to him that she’s come back to the faith. She hopes he can hear her
over the loud, raucous laughter coming from the current occupants of the former
home of the prophet.
Chapter 5- A letter from Kathryn & Peter to the
Steed clan describes life on the Oregon Trail. They have reached Fort Laramie in Wyoming where
they can post mail and hopes this letter will find its way back East. Peter confides to Kathryn he’s growing uneasy about taking the
Hasting's shortcut through Utah and Nevada which has never been attempted by a wagon train.
Chapter 6- With the season now too far advanced to
start west, Brigham Young wants to form an advance company. The Steeds hear of
the rumor and immediately begin deciding who will stay and who will go if the
call is issued. At Fort Laramie, Peter and Kathryn admire the friendly Indians
encamped around the fort; beautiful, noble and majestic people.
Chapter 7- Will & Alice are now on their way to California
as the ship departs from Hawaii and heads out to sea for the last leg of the journey.
Brigham Young is visited by recruiters for what will eventually become the
Mormon Battalion. The Steeds, again, start buzzing among themselves as to who
should go.
Chapter 8- With the U.S. call to form an army superseding
Brigham’s vanguard company idea, Nathan learns hundreds of men are going to be
needed for the war. Brigham visits the Steed camp, announces only
Derek should volunteer to march while the rest of the Steed men will be needed here to
help establish Winter Quarters. Not wanting her family broken up, Rebecca
insists on being one of the few women allowed to sign up as army cooks and laundresses. Josh Steed, age fifteen,
also wants to volunteer which horrifies Lydia. With today being July 4th and 1,200 miles yet to cover, Peter soberly calculates they won’t reach their
destination in time before winter. There is also much arguing and rude behavior
among the company as many of the men take advantage of the fort’s liquor sales
and declare "happy hour" in celebration of the holiday.
Chapter 9- July 4th celebrations continue
on the Oregon Trail with an informal parade in camp which Peter and Kathryn
participate. When the time comes to toast the day with brandy, the Mormon
couple are the only ones who abstain, awkwardly accepting the children’s option
of lemonade. The holiday is also celebrated on the ship with the raising of the
flag and singing the national anthem. In Nauvoo, Carl is back from floating the
last of the log rafts down river. While walking home to surprise Melissa, he sees
the burned out store and breaks into a run for home.
Chapter 10- Despite the shock and horror of the story
Melissa tells him, Carl still insists there is no danger and refuses to pack
and leave. Peter has come to a decision: Kathryn should return to Fort Laramie
while he fulfills their contract. Kathryn has no problem with this because she
is with child and has been worrying how to break the news to both Peter and
their employers as she won’t be much use tutoring the children in their
studies, enduring the hardships of wilderness travel while hobbling around on
crutches and being in the family way to boot. The Donner/Reeds see the wisdom
in this plan and agree to let Peter have a few days off to travel east, deposit his wife at the fort, and return. Luckily for them, a Mormon party from The
South, hoping to meet up with Brigham Young, just arrived at the fort and Kathryn
can stay with them in their winter camp in Colorado.
Chapter 11- Separation is hard for Kathryn and Peter
who share an emotional farewell, until we meet again in Zion. Peter scribbles another of his long-winded poems and a touching love letter to ease the pain of his departure. He leaves them on Kathryn's pillow to find when she wakes. Kathryn sobs alone in her bed anyway. In Iowa, Derek is not happy about Rebecca’s determination to go and insists
they consult with Brother Brigham.
Chapter 12- Mob violence in Nauvoo is growing worse.
Two non-Mormon men were attacked and beaten. A vigilante group arrests those
responsible who turn around and kidnap five innocent Mormon men in retribution,
threatening to kill them unless their men are released. Melissa REALLY wants to
get out of this city. Brigham Young makes a speech, asking everyone who can be
spared to sign up for the Battalion. If not enough men obey, their wives will
be recruited. This is good enough for Derek who gives permission for Rebecca
and the children to join him on the march so they can all stay together.
Chapter 13- Peter catches up with the Donner/Reed
party at Independence Rock, “The Register of the Desert,” in present-day
Wyoming. (I've been there, seen all the names carved into the stone, it’s
really cool.) Lydia talks to Drusilla Hendricks (whom we met with her paralyzed
husband in the last volume) because Drusilla’s boy, the same age as Josh, is also pestering his folks to let him join the army. Both mothers are
terrified what might happen to their boys if they give their consent but
Drusilla’s strong faith strengthens Lydia.
Chapter 14- Carl returns from St. Louis where he
tried to sell the lumber from the log rafts but prices are down and he didn't
make as much as he’d hoped. He is still set against leaving and Melissa is
frustrated. They have a heated discussion. Out on the plains, the first company
of the Mormon Battalion is ready to march.
Chapter 15- Drusilla shares a spiritual experience
she had concerning her son with Lydia. The voice of the Lord came to her,
reassuring her all would be well and her family would be blessed if she
made this sacrifice in letting her son go. That’s good enough for Lydia who
gives Josh permission. Nathan is called as bishop over a group of saints in
their company, namely widows and those women whose husbands obeyed the call to
join the Battalion.
Chapter 16- A letter for James Reed from an advance
party arrives in camp, warning him not to take that shortcut. Unfortunately,
the letter was delayed and they decide to continue their present course. Back in Nauvoo, Melissa and Carl have another argument
about leaving which results in Melissa leaving the house in a huff. It is late
evening and she ends up in Ma and Pa Steed’s old, abandoned cabin. It is empty
save the bed frame and dusty mattress. Melissa lies down and, after much
sneezing, falls into a fitful sleep before waking to return to her own house.
She sits in the front room and contemplates the New Testament Bible passage
talking about Paul’s “subjection” of wives to husbands in the church. She
realizes Paul meant wives, by their righteous behavior and example, can influence their non-member, non-Christian husbands for good. Carl wakes up
and comes downstairs where Melissa greets him with her apology and offer to compromise.
If Carl will promise to put the children’s safety first, she will follow him
wherever he might lead. Carl agrees.
Chapter 17- Tamsen Donner, wife of George Donner, is
also uneasy about taking this shortcut to California, “I have a bad feeling
about this.” Meanwhile, the Mormon Battalion is marching south, picking up
recruits in Mormon camps along the way. At last, they've reached the last camp, ready to embark on the great march into the unknown wilderness.
Chapter 18- Carl & Melissa receive the Steed
family letter informing them of Joshua’s baptism. For the Mormon Battalion,
morale is high as they are making good time. They meet
famous mountain men/explorers who share their provisions and invite them to
spend the night in their small fort. It is now July 30 and a huge cloudburst
dumps rain on the camp but the damage is minor.
Chapter 19- For those on the ship Brooklyn, it is also July 30 as they
arrive in San Francisco Bay. For Derek, and others in the Battalion, malaria
relapse has them all bedridden. The army has issued tents for the camp and is
selling ice cream for a nickel a bowl which Becca brings her husband.
Chapter 20- In the settlement of Yerba Buena (pre-San
Francisco) the ship is unloaded. Alice’s special condition allows them their
very own private, partitioned, area in one of the few structures large enough to use as common living quarters. Back East,
Winter Quarters is being established. Nathan observes a small miracle between
two destitute families. One has no flour and nothing to eat but the other
family gives willingly and the Lord provides both families with just enough to
meet their needs. The Battalion is camped near present-day Kansas City, MO
where they are finally issued the remainder of their gear: new guns,
ammunition, provisions and a white belt to wear across their shirts as part of
their official “uniform.” Cash is also distributed which the men arrange to
send back to Brigham Young and their families which turns out to be a godsend
and is greatly appreciated.
Chapter 21- The Donner/Reed party has reached Utah
and is encamped just outside the Salt Lake Valley. The Wasatch Mountain Range
makes the passage very difficult for the Donner/Reed Party who must make their
own road in what will one day be called Emigration Canyon which Brigham Young’s
Pioneer Company will use next year, with many thanks.
Chapter 22- The push to complete the road and keep
moving has taken its toll on Peter and the others in the company. Peter is so busy
apologizing to his overworked, exhausted oxen team, he fails to notice the
expanse of the Salt Lake Valley below him. Just in case he doesn't make it
through this alive, he writes a letter to Kathryn. Morale is low as the company
crosses the Salt Flats in the scorching late-summer heat with no water. It is
too late to turn back now.
Chapter 23- Spirits are also low in the Battalion
camp. The company doctor is no help as he doesn't bother to hide his dislike
for Mormons and insists anyone who rides in the sick wagon must suffer his
abuse and take his “medicine.” In Nauvoo, the baby is sick and Melissa fears
she might be coming down with it, too.
Chapter 24- It is now September, 1846. The
Donner/Reed Company lost a significant amount of cattle which stampeded during
the hellish crossing of the flats as Peter narrates in another letter to
Kathryn, recording his journey until he can forward it back East, if he doesn't
die first. Back in Nauvoo, Carl finally has a change of heart and announces
they are leaving Nauvoo. Tragically, the wagon and supplies he secretly stashed
at one of his brick warehouses is gone, probably stolen by one of the anti-Mormon gangs and sold for profit. Joshua can’t
shake a strong prompting of the spirit that his little sister needs help. He
announces they should form a group to return to Nauvoo and bring her and Carl
to join their camp.
Chapter 25- Carl helps defend the city in the brief Nauvoo
War between non-Mormon citizens and those new arrivals who feel entitled to
everything the Mormons left behind, resorting to violence to maintain control of the city.
Cannon and gunfire are exchanged but Carl is unhurt. He takes a break from
fighting to run home and tell Melissa to grab whatever they can and evacuate
the city. Melissa already sent the children with friends across the river.
The baby and Melissa are both too sick to be moved but they realize they have
no choice. Nauvoo is no longer safe for women and children. Back at the Steed
camp, Brigham Young receives the official word from Nauvoo about the desperate conditions his people are suffering and organizes a rescue party (No Saint Left Behind) of which the Steed men are
first to volunteer.
Chapter 26- Based on a true incident in the Mormon
Battalion, Derek avoids riding in the sick wagon by
hiding in an empty barrel in his family’s wagon. Josh answers for him at roll
call so he won’t have to march when he’s too sick to even stand up. The few
days Derek spends hiding in the barrel help speed his recovery along with the quinine
someone managed to procure. The Battalion meets a man traveling south who has
news of Peter and Kathryn which Derek and Becca receive with joy. In Nauvoo,
the war is officially over but mobs continue to harass any Mormons evacuating
the city. Carl, Melissa and the sick baby are not spared from the persecution.
As Carl defends one elderly Mormon man, the mob turns on him beating him with
their rifle butts. Melissa screams and tries to intervene but the evil men push
her into the river where she loses her grip on the baby who falls into the
chilly water. The baby is recovered, alive, but unconscious. Carl and Melissa
finally have their turn to board a ferry and cross over to join the saints
encamped on the far side of the Mississippi. Carl is badly injured and the situation is grim.
Chapter 27- The (soon-to-be-famous) Sutter's Mill, located several miles inland from San Francisco beckons to Will where he can find work to support his growing family. There is good money to made shipping goods on the river between the prosperous Bay area and the booming settlements. Alice gives birth to a baby boy. It is now late September. The Battalion is given orders to march to Santa Fe, New Mexico by October 10.
Chapter 28- On the California Trail, the Donner/Reed Party plod across Nevada, painfully aware that there will be "No Food, No Gas, No Service" until Sutter's Fort on the other side of the Sierra Nevada Range. The Donner party has gone ahead. Peter is feeling as discouraged as the rest but not quite ready to mutiny as some of the other members of the Reed party are threatening to do. There is no teamwork which becomes evident as they cross a difficult ridge so steep everyone must double up teams. The family of John Snyder got stuck halfway up, blocking the road for James Reed. Tired of waiting, Reed foolishly drives his own, stronger, team up and attempts to go around. John Snyder, who was until this minute, a good friend of James Reed, screams obscenities at him. Offended, Reed draws a knife and they exchange blows while their wives scream at them and Snyder is killed. The Reed Party is forever divided. Peter is on his employer's side. To his credit, James Reed feels deep remorse for his actions, any attempts he makes at reconciliation with Team Snyder is flatly refused. A Kangaroo Court is held with the verdict to banish James Reed from the camp with no horse, food or water. Virginia Reed will smuggle a horse and provisions to her father later that night. Peter will go with her for he is also determined to join Reed in his exile (thus saving himself from the tragedy that befalls the rest of the party).
Chapter 29- On the Iowa Trail, one woman gives birth out in the open, in the rain, while her Relief Society Sisters surround her with a makeshift shelter and hold pans to catch the dripping water. These are the conditions of the saints encamped on the other side of the river having just escaped Nauvoo. Nathan and Joshua arrive and locate Carl & Melissa who share the bad news: Carl has broken ribs and a punctured lung. The baby died of exposure two days ago. A very humble Carl is willing to go anywhere now, even west with the unpopular Mormons, but he declares he will NEVER join a religion that demands so much sacrifice from its members. On October 9, 1846, God sends the "Miracle of the Quail."
Chapter 30- The Battalion arrives in Santa Fe and the non-Mormons immediately head to the taverns to indulge themselves. New orders are also issued: all healthy men will continue west to California while all women, children and men like Derek who remain too sick to travel will march north to Colorado to spend the winter with another group. Josh will be separated from the Ingalls family but everyone looks forward to a big family reunion next year. Out on the CA trail, Peter, James Reed and another man ride hard over the mountain range into California. They are exhausted, starving, when they come across some abandoned wagons with nothing edible save a bucket of rancid tallow for greasing wheels which James Reed samples in desperation only to become violently ill. He recovers and the group presses on. It is now October, 1846 and snow falls in the high mountains. The men make it through the pass and catch up to an advance group who promise to return and find Reed's family and company who will need help completing this final leg of the journey. Peter and Reed will travel on to Sutter's Fort to purchase more supplies and organize a second rescue party.
Chapter 31- Will and Alice name their baby Jared. Peter gives them the surprise of their life when he arrives at Sutter's Fort and finds them. Peter is skinny as a beanpole, unkempt, dirty, his clothing in rags but he is healthy and alive. He tells how he and Kathryn, after Will & Alice departed for New York, ended up in the service of the Donner/Reed party. He won't be staying long since he has to help Mr. Reed organize a rescue party. Will immediately volunteers. Unfortunately, their friendly Indian guides turn out to be not so friendly as they take off in the night with their pack horses and are never seen again. Snow is falling thick and fast now and the pass is completely blocked. James Reed is disappointed but he and Peter surmise the stranded immigrants have enough cattle to sustain them through the winter (they don't). In Pueblo, CO, Kathryn is great with child, teaching school when word arrives of a company from the south. She welcomes Derek & Rebecca and they have a nice reunion.
Chapter 32- Josh endures the rigor of the march and constant hunger. It is now December, 1846 when a herd of wild bulls attacks the camp. Josh takes one down and witnesses the historic "Battle of the Bulls" the only fighting these battalion men ever had to do while enlisted.
Chapter 33- It is Christmas Time in Winter Quarters where everyone is too poor to exchange presents but can wish each other "Christmas Gift" (which was actually a popular form of holiday greeting back then before the more popular "Merry Christmas" replaced it). Nathan spends the day visiting the families entrusted to him as bishop. The Steed women also make calls. Today is still a workday with everyone preparing for the exodus in the spring, there is much to do but little to eat except parched corn. The saints count their blessings of Christ's great gift to mankind and their family and friendships. In Fort Pueblo, Kathryn and the Ingalls think of Peter. At Sutter's Fort, Peter wonders what everyone else is doing today while enjoying the mild climate of a Northern California winter.
Chapter 34- Kathryn gives birth to a girl she names Nicole. It is now January, 1847. Josh and the Battalion reach San Diego, CA and gaze in wonder at the Pacific ocean. February arrives in Winter Quarters where many saints have endured in miserable squalor with makeshift huts and sod structures. Lack of fresh food means scurvy and vitamin deficiency but the Saints keep their spirits up by holding dances, social gatherings and activities. Just biding their time now until spring.
Chapter 35- Will and Peter spend the winter earning money in a logging camp for Sutter's Mill. One day a shocking report reaches their camp. Several members of the Donner/Reed party literally stumbled out of the mountains with a horrifying tale of starvation and desperate conditions. They have been trapped on the other side of the pass all winter with absolutely nothing to eat. Peter is in shock hearing about his friends. Mr. Reed's wife and children are alive but nearly unrecognizable as half-dead walking skeletons. Peter begins packing to leave with the rescue party. When they reach the camp, a skin-and-bones, anorexic, Virginia Reed throws herself into Peter's arms and sobs while Peter can't really do much except sympathize at the horrors these people experienced and offer his services to escort them over the mountains to Sutter's Fort. Two weeks later, James Reed returns with the rest of his company who were strong enough to travel. He thanks Peter for his loyal service and offers him money and land here in California. Peter thanks him but his place is in Zion. Chapter Notes claim the Reed family and their descendants always insisted they were the only family who did not resort to cannibalism. Those who snowshoed out are reported to have eaten their dead in order to survive the trip, but history is clouded with rumors.
Chapter 36- Josh talks with one of his commanding officers about what's next for the Battalion. Back in Winter Quarters, a makeshift wagon shop has been set up by the Steeds. One day a stranger from the West arrives bringing news for Jenny about her sister Kathryn as well as Becca, Derek and Josh; he's seen them all and passes on their love and greetings. He's here because Brigham sent word he wants all able bodied men out West to help lead the Pioneer Company departing very soon.
Chapter 37- Rachel and Emily, the teenage cousins, attempt permission to join the vanguard company but Brother Brigham's orders are firm: no women and children allowed. Nathan and Matthew are the only Steed men going. Joshua will stay behind and continue presiding as head of the clan. Everyone cries at the farewell. They have some trouble crossing the first river but all finally make it.
Chapter 38- Out in California it is decided Will must stay behind with Alice and the baby while Peter travels with the company of saints from San Francisco heading East, lead by Sam Brannan who is confident he's found the True Zion in California and means to persuade Brigham Young to relocate. While traveling, they pass the deserted camp of the fated Donner/Reed party which Peter gets his first look at; he has a moment of silence for the scattered bones of corpses (evidence cannibalism did occur) who perished from starvation. It is now April, 1847 and in these higher elevations, spring snow still falls and temperatures are chilly. They will, of course, not be following the California trail through the roughest parts of Nevada and Utah but will take the Oregon trial from Nevada, up through Idaho, and down into the Salt Lake Valley.
Chapter 39- The monotony of trail life for Brigham's company affects the entire company, men are slacking off and forgetting their duty to God. Brigham chastises them for their card playing and other time wasting activities. His words revive them. Nathan and Matthew and the rest of the men covenant to change their attitudes and remember they are the Camp of Israel. It is now June and Fort Laramie is getting closer everyday. Meanwhile, Derek and his family are part of the Pueblo group traveling north hoping to meet up with Brigham Young.
Chapter 40- Another happy reunion for both the Steeds and the Southern Saints who wintered in Pueblo. It has been eighteen months since Kathryn and Peter left the Steed clan to join the Donner/Reed party and Kathryn is happy to see Nathan and Matthew again.
Chapter 41- The company has quite a time struggling to cross the North Platte River. Many pages of narration are spent describing the frustrating task. Back in Winter Quarters, the rest of the Steeds are preparing to move out. Joshua calls a family prayer meeting which Carl joins without complaint, glad he made the decision to join the Steeds for the sake of his wife and children.
Chapter 42- Since the North Platte River is part of the Oregon Trail, Brigham realizes the wisdom in leaving men here with the ferry they constructed to earn money from other immigrant parties migrating west who will need passage across the spring swollen river. Matthew will stay and help run the ferry until the rest of the Steed clan arrives. Back on the road, Kathryn improvises a game for her two restless nephews to help pass the time.
Chapter 43- Brigham Young has a historic meeting with Jim Bridger who doubts the Salt Lake Valley can be cultivated. Brigham promises to prove him otherwise by growing the first ear of corn. Nathan and Derek are astonished to see riders from the West approaching from the other side of the river. Brigham recognizes Sam Brannan through his telescope. Cut to Peter giving Kathryn the shock of her life back in camp.
Chapter 44- Happy July 4th (again) but it also the Sabbath and everyone is too preoccupied with trail life and chores to celebrate. Sutter's Fort, on the other hand, holds festivities in which Will & Alice participate, sans the consuming of alcohol. Just a few hundred miles south, Josh is also unimpressed with the mass binge drinking and partying going on.
Chapter 45- Peter is a helpful guide to Brigham Young, since he's traveled this road before. When they reach the Wasatch mountains he points out the road he and others built last year. In these higher elevations, there is still frost on the ground in July. Brother Brigham is sick and must ride in his wagon.
Chapter 46- Peter and the other Steeds get their first glimpse of the Salt Lake Valley but wait for their prophet to catch up. It is July 21, 1847. Brigham has his driver turn the wagon around so he can gaze over the expanse of the valley before making his historic "This is the (right) Place, (drive on,)" statement. Because Brigham officially entered the valley a few days later, Utah and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, celebrates Pioneer Day on July 24th (instead of the 21st!).
Chapter 47- Plowing has already commenced in the Salt Lake valley so late summer crops can be quickly sown and harvested before winter. Back East, the remaining Steeds, led by Joshua, catch up to Matthew on the North Platte and have (yet another) tearful family reunion. Mary Ann recounts The Dream again for those family members (and readers) who might not have heard it yet.
Chapter 48- Josh arrives at Sutter's Fort and finds Will & Alice. Brigham travels East and calls on the Steed camp to share the news of Peter's return from California. Ironically, Peter has been called to join a group of saints to go BACK to California and bring any remaining saints from Sam Brannan's company to Zion, lest they kick themselves out of the church and go to hell. Peter is now passing the fated Donner/Reed winter camp for a THIRD time. He should give tours. Will, Alice and Josh are delighted to see Peter and hear all the family news. With the money and supplies provided by James Reed, this extended family branch of Steeds now have sufficient means to get themselves over to Utah where the Pioneer Company and the rest of the Steed clan are waiting to welcome them home. But first, the Steeds in Salt Lake journey up Emigration Canyon to wait for the rest of their company to arrive. Mary Ann is delighted to have almost everyone all together again.
Chapter 49- Peter, Josh, Will and Alice follow the Oregon Trail to Utah with the rest of their company. The former Mormon Battalion are also part of this group. In their threadbare clothes, they break out the colors, find a makeshift drum and march proudly into the new settlement. At long last, the Steeds are finally all together. Joshua stands and makes a speech about the many paths that ultimately lead us all to our home.
Chapter 27- The (soon-to-be-famous) Sutter's Mill, located several miles inland from San Francisco beckons to Will where he can find work to support his growing family. There is good money to made shipping goods on the river between the prosperous Bay area and the booming settlements. Alice gives birth to a baby boy. It is now late September. The Battalion is given orders to march to Santa Fe, New Mexico by October 10.
Chapter 28- On the California Trail, the Donner/Reed Party plod across Nevada, painfully aware that there will be "No Food, No Gas, No Service" until Sutter's Fort on the other side of the Sierra Nevada Range. The Donner party has gone ahead. Peter is feeling as discouraged as the rest but not quite ready to mutiny as some of the other members of the Reed party are threatening to do. There is no teamwork which becomes evident as they cross a difficult ridge so steep everyone must double up teams. The family of John Snyder got stuck halfway up, blocking the road for James Reed. Tired of waiting, Reed foolishly drives his own, stronger, team up and attempts to go around. John Snyder, who was until this minute, a good friend of James Reed, screams obscenities at him. Offended, Reed draws a knife and they exchange blows while their wives scream at them and Snyder is killed. The Reed Party is forever divided. Peter is on his employer's side. To his credit, James Reed feels deep remorse for his actions, any attempts he makes at reconciliation with Team Snyder is flatly refused. A Kangaroo Court is held with the verdict to banish James Reed from the camp with no horse, food or water. Virginia Reed will smuggle a horse and provisions to her father later that night. Peter will go with her for he is also determined to join Reed in his exile (thus saving himself from the tragedy that befalls the rest of the party).
Chapter 29- On the Iowa Trail, one woman gives birth out in the open, in the rain, while her Relief Society Sisters surround her with a makeshift shelter and hold pans to catch the dripping water. These are the conditions of the saints encamped on the other side of the river having just escaped Nauvoo. Nathan and Joshua arrive and locate Carl & Melissa who share the bad news: Carl has broken ribs and a punctured lung. The baby died of exposure two days ago. A very humble Carl is willing to go anywhere now, even west with the unpopular Mormons, but he declares he will NEVER join a religion that demands so much sacrifice from its members. On October 9, 1846, God sends the "Miracle of the Quail."
Chapter 30- The Battalion arrives in Santa Fe and the non-Mormons immediately head to the taverns to indulge themselves. New orders are also issued: all healthy men will continue west to California while all women, children and men like Derek who remain too sick to travel will march north to Colorado to spend the winter with another group. Josh will be separated from the Ingalls family but everyone looks forward to a big family reunion next year. Out on the CA trail, Peter, James Reed and another man ride hard over the mountain range into California. They are exhausted, starving, when they come across some abandoned wagons with nothing edible save a bucket of rancid tallow for greasing wheels which James Reed samples in desperation only to become violently ill. He recovers and the group presses on. It is now October, 1846 and snow falls in the high mountains. The men make it through the pass and catch up to an advance group who promise to return and find Reed's family and company who will need help completing this final leg of the journey. Peter and Reed will travel on to Sutter's Fort to purchase more supplies and organize a second rescue party.
Chapter 31- Will and Alice name their baby Jared. Peter gives them the surprise of their life when he arrives at Sutter's Fort and finds them. Peter is skinny as a beanpole, unkempt, dirty, his clothing in rags but he is healthy and alive. He tells how he and Kathryn, after Will & Alice departed for New York, ended up in the service of the Donner/Reed party. He won't be staying long since he has to help Mr. Reed organize a rescue party. Will immediately volunteers. Unfortunately, their friendly Indian guides turn out to be not so friendly as they take off in the night with their pack horses and are never seen again. Snow is falling thick and fast now and the pass is completely blocked. James Reed is disappointed but he and Peter surmise the stranded immigrants have enough cattle to sustain them through the winter (they don't). In Pueblo, CO, Kathryn is great with child, teaching school when word arrives of a company from the south. She welcomes Derek & Rebecca and they have a nice reunion.
Chapter 32- Josh endures the rigor of the march and constant hunger. It is now December, 1846 when a herd of wild bulls attacks the camp. Josh takes one down and witnesses the historic "Battle of the Bulls" the only fighting these battalion men ever had to do while enlisted.
Chapter 33- It is Christmas Time in Winter Quarters where everyone is too poor to exchange presents but can wish each other "Christmas Gift" (which was actually a popular form of holiday greeting back then before the more popular "Merry Christmas" replaced it). Nathan spends the day visiting the families entrusted to him as bishop. The Steed women also make calls. Today is still a workday with everyone preparing for the exodus in the spring, there is much to do but little to eat except parched corn. The saints count their blessings of Christ's great gift to mankind and their family and friendships. In Fort Pueblo, Kathryn and the Ingalls think of Peter. At Sutter's Fort, Peter wonders what everyone else is doing today while enjoying the mild climate of a Northern California winter.
Chapter 34- Kathryn gives birth to a girl she names Nicole. It is now January, 1847. Josh and the Battalion reach San Diego, CA and gaze in wonder at the Pacific ocean. February arrives in Winter Quarters where many saints have endured in miserable squalor with makeshift huts and sod structures. Lack of fresh food means scurvy and vitamin deficiency but the Saints keep their spirits up by holding dances, social gatherings and activities. Just biding their time now until spring.
Chapter 35- Will and Peter spend the winter earning money in a logging camp for Sutter's Mill. One day a shocking report reaches their camp. Several members of the Donner/Reed party literally stumbled out of the mountains with a horrifying tale of starvation and desperate conditions. They have been trapped on the other side of the pass all winter with absolutely nothing to eat. Peter is in shock hearing about his friends. Mr. Reed's wife and children are alive but nearly unrecognizable as half-dead walking skeletons. Peter begins packing to leave with the rescue party. When they reach the camp, a skin-and-bones, anorexic, Virginia Reed throws herself into Peter's arms and sobs while Peter can't really do much except sympathize at the horrors these people experienced and offer his services to escort them over the mountains to Sutter's Fort. Two weeks later, James Reed returns with the rest of his company who were strong enough to travel. He thanks Peter for his loyal service and offers him money and land here in California. Peter thanks him but his place is in Zion. Chapter Notes claim the Reed family and their descendants always insisted they were the only family who did not resort to cannibalism. Those who snowshoed out are reported to have eaten their dead in order to survive the trip, but history is clouded with rumors.
Chapter 36- Josh talks with one of his commanding officers about what's next for the Battalion. Back in Winter Quarters, a makeshift wagon shop has been set up by the Steeds. One day a stranger from the West arrives bringing news for Jenny about her sister Kathryn as well as Becca, Derek and Josh; he's seen them all and passes on their love and greetings. He's here because Brigham sent word he wants all able bodied men out West to help lead the Pioneer Company departing very soon.
Chapter 37- Rachel and Emily, the teenage cousins, attempt permission to join the vanguard company but Brother Brigham's orders are firm: no women and children allowed. Nathan and Matthew are the only Steed men going. Joshua will stay behind and continue presiding as head of the clan. Everyone cries at the farewell. They have some trouble crossing the first river but all finally make it.
Chapter 38- Out in California it is decided Will must stay behind with Alice and the baby while Peter travels with the company of saints from San Francisco heading East, lead by Sam Brannan who is confident he's found the True Zion in California and means to persuade Brigham Young to relocate. While traveling, they pass the deserted camp of the fated Donner/Reed party which Peter gets his first look at; he has a moment of silence for the scattered bones of corpses (evidence cannibalism did occur) who perished from starvation. It is now April, 1847 and in these higher elevations, spring snow still falls and temperatures are chilly. They will, of course, not be following the California trail through the roughest parts of Nevada and Utah but will take the Oregon trial from Nevada, up through Idaho, and down into the Salt Lake Valley.
Chapter 39- The monotony of trail life for Brigham's company affects the entire company, men are slacking off and forgetting their duty to God. Brigham chastises them for their card playing and other time wasting activities. His words revive them. Nathan and Matthew and the rest of the men covenant to change their attitudes and remember they are the Camp of Israel. It is now June and Fort Laramie is getting closer everyday. Meanwhile, Derek and his family are part of the Pueblo group traveling north hoping to meet up with Brigham Young.
Chapter 40- Another happy reunion for both the Steeds and the Southern Saints who wintered in Pueblo. It has been eighteen months since Kathryn and Peter left the Steed clan to join the Donner/Reed party and Kathryn is happy to see Nathan and Matthew again.
Chapter 41- The company has quite a time struggling to cross the North Platte River. Many pages of narration are spent describing the frustrating task. Back in Winter Quarters, the rest of the Steeds are preparing to move out. Joshua calls a family prayer meeting which Carl joins without complaint, glad he made the decision to join the Steeds for the sake of his wife and children.
Chapter 42- Since the North Platte River is part of the Oregon Trail, Brigham realizes the wisdom in leaving men here with the ferry they constructed to earn money from other immigrant parties migrating west who will need passage across the spring swollen river. Matthew will stay and help run the ferry until the rest of the Steed clan arrives. Back on the road, Kathryn improvises a game for her two restless nephews to help pass the time.
Chapter 43- Brigham Young has a historic meeting with Jim Bridger who doubts the Salt Lake Valley can be cultivated. Brigham promises to prove him otherwise by growing the first ear of corn. Nathan and Derek are astonished to see riders from the West approaching from the other side of the river. Brigham recognizes Sam Brannan through his telescope. Cut to Peter giving Kathryn the shock of her life back in camp.
Chapter 44- Happy July 4th (again) but it also the Sabbath and everyone is too preoccupied with trail life and chores to celebrate. Sutter's Fort, on the other hand, holds festivities in which Will & Alice participate, sans the consuming of alcohol. Just a few hundred miles south, Josh is also unimpressed with the mass binge drinking and partying going on.
Chapter 45- Peter is a helpful guide to Brigham Young, since he's traveled this road before. When they reach the Wasatch mountains he points out the road he and others built last year. In these higher elevations, there is still frost on the ground in July. Brother Brigham is sick and must ride in his wagon.
Chapter 46- Peter and the other Steeds get their first glimpse of the Salt Lake Valley but wait for their prophet to catch up. It is July 21, 1847. Brigham has his driver turn the wagon around so he can gaze over the expanse of the valley before making his historic "This is the (right) Place, (drive on,)" statement. Because Brigham officially entered the valley a few days later, Utah and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, celebrates Pioneer Day on July 24th (instead of the 21st!).
Chapter 47- Plowing has already commenced in the Salt Lake valley so late summer crops can be quickly sown and harvested before winter. Back East, the remaining Steeds, led by Joshua, catch up to Matthew on the North Platte and have (yet another) tearful family reunion. Mary Ann recounts The Dream again for those family members (and readers) who might not have heard it yet.
Chapter 48- Josh arrives at Sutter's Fort and finds Will & Alice. Brigham travels East and calls on the Steed camp to share the news of Peter's return from California. Ironically, Peter has been called to join a group of saints to go BACK to California and bring any remaining saints from Sam Brannan's company to Zion, lest they kick themselves out of the church and go to hell. Peter is now passing the fated Donner/Reed winter camp for a THIRD time. He should give tours. Will, Alice and Josh are delighted to see Peter and hear all the family news. With the money and supplies provided by James Reed, this extended family branch of Steeds now have sufficient means to get themselves over to Utah where the Pioneer Company and the rest of the Steed clan are waiting to welcome them home. But first, the Steeds in Salt Lake journey up Emigration Canyon to wait for the rest of their company to arrive. Mary Ann is delighted to have almost everyone all together again.
Chapter 49- Peter, Josh, Will and Alice follow the Oregon Trail to Utah with the rest of their company. The former Mormon Battalion are also part of this group. In their threadbare clothes, they break out the colors, find a makeshift drum and march proudly into the new settlement. At long last, the Steeds are finally all together. Joshua stands and makes a speech about the many paths that ultimately lead us all to our home.
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